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Musgraves Project 

Historic data review and re-modelling of raw data has identified several highly conductive off-hole targets at the 100%-owned Jimblebar Project in the Pilbara region of WA. The results highlight the potential for massive sulphide nickel-copper-cobalt mineralisation.





Large, drill-ready massive sulphide EM target


Proven team with deep battery market experience



Hampton Hill Mining NL intersected semi-massive nickel-copper sulphide with 2 metres returning 1.36% nickel & 0.62% Cu from 54m in drill-hole CP007 at the Millipede East Prospect (WAMEX A089942, Figure 1). These results are indicative of a fertile magmatic sulphide system at Millipede East. The defined mineralisation correlates with modelled EM plates. The defined plates plunge in a south-easterly direction and there is potential for additional mineralisation at depth.

Previous drilling at Millipede West did not intersect the modelled downhole EM conductive plates and represents a compelling nickel-copper sulphide target (Figures 1 & 2).

Additional to the nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation the Jimblebar Project is also highly prospective for gold, sediment-hosted base metals, and iron ore.

Gold mineralisation in the district is known to be structurally controlled where subsidiary structures cross-cut major faults, shears and lithological contacts. The various Jimblebar historic gold mines and occurrences were explored extensively by Warwick Resources and Atlas Iron from 2003 to 2014. Warwick also completed a gradient array IP geophysics survey across the main workings Shearers, Sunny South and Pilliwinkle (Figure 3). The tenement covers the southern extension of the Sunny South Prospect which is located north of the company’s tenement boundary. The mineralisation at Sunny South is hosted by a 30m to 50m wide felsic to intermediate intrusive that occurs stratigraphically above the banded iron formation (BIF) and dips moderately to the east.

John Beeson of Jigsaw Geoscience reviewed the controls on mineralisation at Jimblebar and observed the gold mineralisation to be associated with a strongly pyritic and quartz-veined dacite porphyry intrusive. These intrusive rocks are interpreted by Beeson to be reminiscent of ‘mafic-series’ granitoids intimately associated with gold mineralization in the Yilgarn Craton for example Granny Smith and Sunrise Dam.

The Jimblebar Project (E52/3605, E52/3672 & ELA52/3983, Figure 4) is located 40km south-east of Newman and includes the western arm of the Jimblebar greenstone belt, a constituent of the Achaean Sylvania Inlier.

In May 2023, Trek entered into an Option Agreement with Rio Tinto Exploration (RTX) to explore the
Jimblebar Nickel-Copper Project. After completion of the initial 6-month option period, RTX have advised that
they have met the minimum commitments, however, have decided not to proceed further with a Farm-in to the
Jimblebar project. RTX have also confirmed that they will transfer to Trek, the rock chip/soil sampling data, the
ground electromagnetic data and associated reports from exploration activities conducted on the project. Trek
retains 100% of the rights to the Jimblebar Nickel-Copper Project.

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Figure 1. Off-hole conductors related to nickel-copper massive sulphide mineralisation at Milipede are high priority drill ready targets. Background imagery magnetic TMI-RTP, highlighting geological trends, with Milipede West along strike from Milipede East. Planned holes have white collars & JBRPLAN pre-fix.

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Figure 2. Untested off-hole conductors at Milipede West are likely related to massive nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation and are high priority drill ready targets. Planned holes have dashed traces and JBRPLAN pre-fix.

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Figure 3. Simplified geology map of the Jimblebar Gold Project showing the location of mineral occurences within and along strike from the Trek Licenses.

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Figure 4. Jimblebar Project location map


Zinc, Lead, Copper & Silver (Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag)

The Pincunah Project, which includes the Valley of the Gossans (VOG) prospect, (E45/4909, E45/4917 & ELA45/6113, Figure 1) is located 100km south of Port Hedland and just 25km west of the Sulphur Springs owned by DEVELOP Global (ASX: DVP). The Sulphur Springs Deposit shows typical VMS morphology with a copper-zinc rich massive sulphide lens underlain by a copper-rich stringer zone up to 50m in width.

Pincunah & Valley of the Gossans


Pincunah & Valley of the Gossans



Pincunah & Valley of the Gossans

Trek’s maiden drilling program completed in 2021 delivered highly encouraging results at VOG, highlighting the potential for a large-scale VMS base metal system (Figure 2 & refer ASX: TKM 13th October 2021). The drilling targeted an extensive >2km long multi-element geochemical anomaly defined by Trek earlier in the year (Figure 2 & refer ASX: TKM 16th February 2021).

Laboratory assay results from drilling at VOG confirm the drilling intersected multiple horizons of classic VMS-style mineralisation and alteration, with highly anomalous zinc, copper and silver, plus multiple pathfinder elements indicating a very fertile volcanic environment.

The nature, grade and depth of the copper and zinc mineralization near the Chert marker horizon at VOG provides evidence of a mineralising process for a VMS-style copper-zinc system analogous to DEVELOP Global’s Sulphur Springs deposits, 25km to the east.

Trek completed a highly successful maiden helicopter-borne electromagnetic (EM) survey over the Pincunah Project during the December Quarter of 2021, identifying multiple high-priority base metal targets (Figure 3 & refer ASX: TKM 16th November 2021).

The preliminary data and results interpreted from the high-resolution XciteTM EM and magnetic survey have further reinforced the prospectivity of the Pincunah Project for significant new discoveries, particularly in light of recent encouragement from the emerging Valley of the Gossans VMS system.

The survey has defined 10 high priority zones (Figure 3) with anomalous conductive responses that represent compelling volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper-zinc-lead (Cu-Zn-Pb), magmatic nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) and intrusive-related copper-gold (Cu-Au) targets (refer ASX: TKM 16th November 2021 for additional information).

In late 2021, the Company decided to extend the surface geochemical coverage as an extensive >2km long multi-element geochemical anomaly defined by Trek earlier in the year was not closed off (refer ASX: TKM 16th February 2021). The assay results from Phase 2 soils defined numerous additional target areas with anomalous base metal values (Figure 4).

The new surface geochemistry results significantly upgrade the prospectivity of airborne EM conductive target “A” (refer ASX: TKM 16th November 2021) as a compelling VMS target along strike from VOG discovery (Figures 3 & 4).

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Figure 1. Pincunah project location map

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Figure 2. Valley of the Gossans drill collar locations with selected significant intercepts, highlighting the recent high grade silver intercept in VRC023, which was drilled to test the modelled IP chargeability anomaly.

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Figure 3. Pincunah Project, highlighting prospect locations and helicopter EM anomalies A-J.

Figure 4. Conductive target zone "A" has been significantly upgraded with co-incident anomalous base metal geochemistry, including significant Zinc (left) and Copper (right) defined during Phase  soil sampling along strike from Valley of the Gossans. Additional new Zinc-Copper targets have also been identified.

Trek Metals Limited (“TKM” or “Company”) has entered into a share sale agreement to purchase 100% of TM Resources Pty Ltd which holds four exploration tenement applications in the Northern Territory known as the Lawn Hill Project. The tenements contain highly prospective geology with the potential to host large scale sediment hosted zinc-lead deposits similar in style to the World Class Century deposit (> 150Mt @ 8.2% Zn + 1.2 % Pb + 33g/t Ag).

Lawn Hill


Lawn Hill


Potential to host large scale sediment hosted zinc-lead deposits.

Zinc & Lead (Zn-Pb)

A battery metals focussed mineral explorer

Why Trek Metals


Battery Metal Focused

Trek’s focus is to explore for and develop critical metals that are essential in the production of lithium-ion batteries, in particular nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) battery chemistries which are currently gaining market share because of their superior performance. 

Lawn Hill


Rocks of the Lawn Hill Platform, hosting the Century Zinc Deposit to the south-east of the tenement applications in Queensland (Figure 1) are mapped across much of the tenement applications that form the Lawn Hill Project. In addition to being correlated with the rocks hosting Century, the Fickling Group sediments within the Lawn Hill Project can also be correlated with those of the McArthur Group which contain one of the World’s largest sediment hosted base metal deposits at McArthur River (HYC Deposit, > 200Mt @ 13% Zn+Pb).

Almost No Previous Exploration

Previous exploration has been sparse across the tenement applications with only one major phase of work being completed during the 1980’s. This work was very broad-brushed and resulted in only two drillholes being completed.

Numerous Zn, Cu and Pb occurrences are described on the Queensland side of the border (Figure 2), including the Walford Creek Project (73 Mt @ 1.4% Cu eq) currently being explored by Aeon Metals Limited, with nothing on the Northern Territory side, due, simply, to a lack of exploration.

Key Deal Terms

  • AUD $10,000 cash payment up-front

  • AUD $50,000 in TKM shares to be issued upon the grant of the tenements

  • AUD $1,000,000 upon the public release of a JORC 2012 Compliant Resource in respect of the Lawn Hill Project of between 550Kt Zn eq – 1.1Mt Zn eq

  • AUD $3,000,000 upon the public release of a JORC 2012 Compliant Resource in respect of the Lawn Hill Project of between 1.1Mt Zn eq – 2.2Mt Zn eq

TM Resources has commenced discussions with the Waanyi/Garawa Aboriginal Land Trust to facilitate the granting process and TKM looks forward to continuing these negotiations.

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Figure 1: Location Plan of the Lawn Hill Project showing the major geological regions and the location of the Century Zn+Pb Deposit

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Figure 2: Plan of the Lawn Hill Project tenement applications showing the geological units hosting the project. Note the mineral occurrences on the Queensland side of the border stopping due to the lack of exploration on the Northern Territory side

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