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Mount Venn JV Project

The Mt Venn Joint Venture is an exploration joint venture between Woomera Mining Limited (80%) and Cazaly Resources (ASX:CAZ) (20%). The Mt Venn JV is located within Determined Aboriginal Reserve Land owned by the Yilka Talintji Aboriginal Corporation.  Woomera is the manager of the joint venture and Cazaly is free carried to the completion of a pre-feasibility study.

The granted tenements cover an area of 366km over approximately 50kms of strike of the NNW trending Mt Venn Greenstone Belt.

The Mt Venn JV Project is located 40km west of Gold Road Resource's' Limited’s (ASX: GOR) and Gold Fields’ Gruyere Gold Mine and is along strike of Great Boulder Resource’s (ASX:GBR) Mt Venn Cu-Ni Project and Winchester Cu-Ni Joint Venture with Ausgold Limited (ASX:AUC).

Woomera considers its tenements to be highly prospective for precious metal (gold + PGE) and base metal (nickel-copper) deposits.


Location Plan of Mt Venn JV

  • Pipeline of nickel and gold targets identified

  • Over 9,900m of Reverse Circulation (RC) + Aircore (AC) drilling was completed at Mt Venn during FY2021

  • Emerging Ni-Cu-PGE prospectivity at Mt Cornell within the Mt Cumming Mafic Sill Complex

  • Successfully defined three, stacked, mineralised lodes (Mama Bear, Baby Bear and Papa Bear), extending over 4km strike at the Three Bears Gold Prospect

  • Early stage prospects at Mt Cumming South, Jutson Dome and Wartu Granite show promise

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